Desert Lupine floods the Sonoran desert landscape with washes of indigo blue in springtime. Its flower essence dissolves panic and being frozen with fear; it catalyzes movement, engagement and strength, even in adverse environments. It dissolves heartache and magnifies elegance, peacefulness and fearless expression.
A popular house plant, the Spider Plant is known for purifying indoor air pollution. ‘Spiderettes’ or ‘pups’ emerge from the plant and grow downward toward the earth. Its delicate, star-like white flower blooms for several hours; its essence magnifies our ability to cast off what no longer serves us. We can flip inside out, shed our old skin and establish our footing in a fresh, new version of ourselves.
Camellias are famous in Japan, Korea and China, and are a sign of good luck during the Lunar New Year. Japanese Camellia dissolves worry, callousness and indifference. It inspires a deeper capacity for love, compassion and appreciation of everything around. It helps us connect to our hearts and radiate from the face and heartspace.
The ornamental Pear tree has delicate white blossoms in springtime and blood red leaves in fall/winter. Its elixir helps us explore themes of belonging. An antidote for feeling like we don’t belong in any of the environments we’ve chosen, it dissolves frustration, the kind that makes us want to pull our hair out. It magnifies our sense of belonging and helps us find our roots, whether that’s through family, where we live, a spiritual path or what we’ve committed to in life. It deepens our recognition of stability, wisdom and maturity.
Commonly known for its soothing gel for burns, Aloe Vera is a succulent with 500 different varieties that grow worldwide in tropical and arid climates. Its flower essence relaxes jaw tension, gritting one’s teeth and sensitivity to loud noises. It dissolves anger, irritation and wanting things to be a different way. When we start to feel out of control, it helps us stay cool, calm and collected. It inspires gratitude and being happy with the way things are.
The Lemon Lime Prayer Plant flower essence dissolves thoughtforms like: ‘I don’t have a place. I don’t belong. What is my calling?’ It magnifies a profound understanding and acceptance of one’s offering to the world, along with a desire to be of service.
At the root of much of our patterning lies a subconscious thread of self-hatred. Ruby softens hardness, irritation and self-sabotage that intertwines with our glitches. It magnifies softness of the heart and character, helping us be more gentle, affectionate and loving with ourselves and others.
A sunset-colored cactus flower that blooms in the Arizona desert, Buckthorn Cholla helps us reconnect to the inner wisdom that arises within us when we’re silent. It slows us down so we can see the beauty and deeper meaning in everything around us. It dissolves static and distraction so we can perceive our interconnectedness with the natural world -- and be nourished and fulfilled by that connection.
I spotted the Spider Orchid growing on a tree on the edge of the dense Monteverde rainforest in Costa Rica, opening a doorway into a new world. In life, whenever we’re faced with the unknown, we may experience an adrenaline rush mixed with panic or survival fear. Spider Orchid helps us embrace and step into the unknown with a sense of safety and even adventure. It helps us move through uncharted territories and see the world as supportive and benevolent.
The Northern Green Orchid is a rare, terrestrial orchid only found in Iceland, Greenland and Akimiski Island. A powerful antidote for feeling invisible, it helps us treasure our own unique qualities when we feel our presence is not making an impact, or that our words are not penetrating. When we surround ourselves with people who don’t understand our potential, we may start to feel insignificant. Northern Green Orchid teaches us how to seek out environments that support the depth of who we are as spiritual beings.