Infinite Love magnifies your ability to value your needs just as much as everyone else’s, without perceiving that as selfish. Enhancing your ability to be seen as you truly are, it makes you feel a sense of completeness, wholeness and purity, and encourages taking time for breaks and self-care.
Dissolving procrastination, distraction and indecisiveness, Inspired Action supports us in fearlessly expressing our creative ideas and fills us with laser focus, momentum and drive to get things done—making projects that you’ve been putting off effortless to finish and feel like a breeze.
Nectarine Blossom relaxes tension caused by being on edge and feeling like we can't trust the people around us. It helps us transition from feeling a lack of safety (emotional, physical or otherwise) to feeling that we are among friends. It dissolves the desire to want to crawl into a protective shell and escape and magnifies our desire to reach out to people and engage in some kind of service.
The Giant Spider Lily flower essence transforms the areas of our lives where we feel heavy or stagnant. It brings in a new sense of freedom, weightlessness and effortlessness and helps us look at our lives and projects as a joyful celebration.
When life begins to feel routine, boring or bland, Nasturtiums flowers spice up life! They enhance joy and contentment, and make us feel like we’re in the right place at the right time. Dancing to our own beat never felt so good!
The Bodhi Tree essence catalyzes an all-encompassing love that pacifies negative emotions. It magnifies patience and the ability to accept others as they are, forgiving and unconditionally loving them without wanting to change them. Bodhi Tree awakens devotion and a deeper experience of spiritual connection.
A valuable remedy for our modern daily life, the Rattlesnake flower essence purges chronic, low-level tension, allowing for more enjoyment and peacefulness. You can be more adaptable and ready for what life presents you. There is a seemingly effortless and joyous flow to what you do versus being motivated by stress or pressure.
As an essence, Bamboo is unparalleled for making the impossible possible. It offers unfaltering strength, persistence and tenacity, with a perfect balance of flexibility, gracefulness and the ability to accomplish something against all odds.
The Peony flower essence enhances your magnetism, so you attract both people and opportunities. It inspires a feeling of lusciousness + abundance and catalyzes an experience of profound gratitude for the beauty of life.
The Royal Poinciana flower elixir provides an infusion of confidence, conviction, and certitude. It encourages you to ask for exactly what you want, while knowing you deserve it. Dissolving shyness or timidity, it helps you think big, be bold, feel clear about what you want and go after it.
The Pride of Madeira is all about feeling beautiful, alluring and exquisite—helping you perceive and embody that you’re in the right place at the right time. All of those things about you that make you different, that in the past may have made you feel awkward or out of place, become what make you attractive and sexy.
The Horsetail elixir helps bring clarity, strength, and momentum, perfect for those days when you feel like you don't have what it takes. Horsetail lights a fire, giving you the strength and determination to make anything happen.
The Pink Primrose flower essence helps to prepare us for rapid growth and expansion (internally, as in personal growth, or externally, as in your career or creative growth). It helps us identify any areas of disharmony in our lives, so we can eliminate them or remove bumps in the road that would become bigger obstacles down the line.
The Lilac flower essence is all about embodying flexibility, freedom and non-attachment in all areas of your life, including relationships, career business, dreams and life in general. By releasing control, rigid ideas and attachments, we are more open to bigger and better opportunities.
The Desert Mallow flower essence enhances your ability to love yourself and respond more gently. It shows you your own beauty and magnifies a sense of youthful vitality and innocence.
Learn about our library of more than 150 flower essences, wellness hacks & self-care practices, superfood recipes and wisdom teachings from around the world.