Icelandic Lichen dissolves fatigue, fragility and lack of follow through. It amplifies tenaciousness and teaches us how to root our energy into the Earth to empower our communications. It shows us how to make a stronger imprint, and how to strengthen others by being strong within ourselves. Different from a ripple effect, it’s more like a stamp – or imprint – that occurs when you impact others.
Katie shared here that the last time she went to Varanasi, she almost died. During our latest trip, I had a scary situation where this thought arose: “oh no … this time, it’s ME!” And the wild thing is … it happened entirely while riding a tuk tuk.
I remember visiting the Mahabodhi Stupa one night – I’d stopped to listen to a group of nuns singing the most enchanting melodies together. They each carried a big drum and methodically moved it from side to side. The following day, I took a day trip, walking several hours through dusty villages to get to a place called Mahakala Cave ...
It’s me again ~ Alan! Thought I'd hop on to tell you a little about our trip to Asia. It's so easy to take our health and happiness for granted, especially with the excitement of travel and moving through many time zones. After flying for 14 hours from LAX to Taipei, and continuing on to Bangkok overnight, landing in Bodhgaya … India seemed like the long-awaited arrival to our destination!
I’m not sure why it’s taken me so long to share about our trip to Asia. I guess because it grabbed my heart so hard and … I needed time to integrate. I think back to the first time I went to Bodhgaya, India in 2003. I arrived at the Mahabodhi Stupa and promptly broke down in sobs. It was the oddest sensation, as if I suddenly understood why I always felt like I never fit in anywhere growing up. I became acutely aware of the familiarity of this place and how it felt like ‘home’. I heard myself think: It’s been so long since I’ve been here, coupled with a strange unfamiliar grief at the passing of time ...
On one of our final days in Austin, we went to the riverside at 7am to watch the sunrise & do a flower offering with a very special group of people. After sharing a practice that is very dear to the entire Flowerlounge team, we made wishes & threw flower love bombs into the water.