January 26, 2022
If you’re drawn to the Lemon Lime Prayer Plant flower, you may have been feeling that you don’t belong or that you don’t have a place. You may feel unsettled in general or unsure of your purpose. You may doubt that you’ll be able to accomplish what you want to. At times you may experience disappointment or frustration, or have a life experience may trigger self-doubt or shame. You may feel numb or unavailable in order to cope with the intensity of what’s arising, or you suddenly feel that everyone around you is unavailable to you.
Alternatively, you may feel an intense desire to benefit humanity. You may be unsure about the best course of action or doubt that you can make a difference.
Lemon Lime Prayer Plant (Maranta leuconeura) flower essence dissolves thoughtforms like: ‘I don’t have a place. I don’t belong. What’s my calling?’ It magnifies a profound understanding and acceptance of one’s offering to the world, along with a strong desire to be of service. It enhances our sense of purpose and ability to put thoughtful, definitive actions behind it.
We experience more acceptance of ourselves – as we are – as well as our surroundings and the environment we operate in. We can soften and approach internal discomfort with more gentleness. We experience the desire and ability to offer prayers & deep wishes for ourselves and others.
The Lemon Lime Prayer Plant gets its name from bi-colored leaves that resemble two hands pressed together in prayer. Tiny purple flowers grow prolifically from this Brazilian tropical native. Its leaves raise and lower each day like hands going in and out of prayer.
MAGNIFIES: Homey, settled feeling; Heightened sensitivity; Self-acceptance
DISSOLVES: Frantic, unsettled feeling; Shame, humiliation, disgust; Self-doubt and unavailability
Illuminate your greatest purpose through self-healing. Unveil your sacred offering & clarify your expression. Attract community & magnify your powerful presence.
Along with being one of the flowers featured in the Divine Truth Collection, Lemon Lime Prayer Plant is also available as a single elixir for our Flowerevolution members.
Because each flower has its own unique specialty, single flower elixirs can target very specific patterns. The effects of single flower elixirs are often more subtle, yet they go deeper, hitting the bullseye. While it may take longer to discern the shifts taking place, the effects can be profound.
Love + flower petals,