A sunset-colored cactus flower that blooms in the Arizona desert, Buckthorn Cholla helps us reconnect to the inner wisdom that arises within us when we’re silent. It slows us down so we can see the beauty and deeper meaning in everything around us. It dissolves static and distraction so we can perceive our interconnectedness with the natural world -- and be nourished and fulfilled by that connection.
I spotted the Spider Orchid growing on a tree on the edge of the dense Monteverde rainforest in Costa Rica, opening a doorway into a new world. In life, whenever we’re faced with the unknown, we may experience an adrenaline rush mixed with panic or survival fear. Spider Orchid helps us embrace and step into the unknown with a sense of safety and even adventure. It helps us move through uncharted territories and see the world as supportive and benevolent.
The Northern Green Orchid is a rare, terrestrial orchid only found in Iceland, Greenland and Akimiski Island. A powerful antidote for feeling invisible, it helps us treasure our own unique qualities when we feel our presence is not making an impact, or that our words are not penetrating. When we surround ourselves with people who don’t understand our potential, we may start to feel insignificant. Northern Green Orchid teaches us how to seek out environments that support the depth of who we are as spiritual beings.
The Monteverde Rein Orchid is a terrestrial orchid that uproots subconscious fears of persecution, fear or panic. When we perceive ourselves as alone, weak or vulnerable, we get amped up into fight or flight mode. Rein Orchid softens our hypervigilance and fixation on details so we can feel comforted, safe and at home. Our minds release their grip on minutia, so we can attain a bird's-eye perspective.
Also known as the wild soybean, this tall yellow wildflower is found in the grassy fields of Yilan, Taiwan. The Taiwanese Wild Lily dissolves the habit of being too tight and rigid. When we hold on too tightly and repress emotions, we run the risk of becoming physically ill. Alternatively, we can learn to loosen up and release our tension. We can be like water and roll with the punches. Being fluid and flexible helps us experience more ease in everyday life.
One tiny little Johnny Jump Up popped up by itself one year in the backyard of our building. Knowing that flowers grow exactly when & where they’re needed, I jumped into action and made an essence of it. This pansy-like wildflower dissolves unworthiness, playing small and reluctance. When we have limited thinking, hide behind routines, and expect the very least, it magnifies our capacity to be more OUTRAGEOUS!
The Coralroot Orchid grows at over 8500 feet in the high-elevation forest of Flagstaff, Arizona. This terrestrial forest orchid dissolves attachment to wanting to change, fix or save someone, and amplifies our openness to understanding another’s perspective. It helps us see that being nourished by our own divine nature means that there is nothing to be done, argued or positioned. We realize that our true area of influence and greatest responsibility is our own awakening, which instantly benefits others.
You don’t need to travel to Central or South America to experience a florecida, or fresh flower cleanse. You can create a similar flower-powered experience at home. First, decide what your intention is for the flower cleanse. Do you want to gain clarity on an issue? Magnify a particular quality in yourself? By being clear about what you want, you’ll be more open to recognizing the flowers that will provide what you are seeking.
Infused with flower essences for fearless pioneering + unfolding our vision, the Inner Knowing blend strengthens us to break through limitations, trust our inner visionary and see the future in a forward-thinking way. Here are 5 meditative practices to help you connect with your limitless potential.