The Icelandic Vicia flower essence releases tension, worry and the most subtle strains within our nervous systems—typically from our go-go-go mentality and lifestyles. It helps us feel nourished, loved + free, with the ability to deeply relax and just BE.
The Clock Vine flower enhances our ability to be completely honest + self-accepting of whatever our experience is, and when the time is right, be open to showing others what it is we are experiencing on the deepest levels. It magnifies our ability to let things fall apart + disassemble, in order to reassemble them into a new order—one that's more aligned with our highest potential.
Dissolving blockages and self-limiting patterns regarding communication, Trumpet Vine builds up our speech energies and magnifies our ability to speak freely about what’s inside us. It enhances fearlessness and helps us feel comfortable with being seen + heard by other people. Free your voice + speak your mind!
Our intention when collecting flowers is always to find what people most need today. On the magical Wildflower Trail in the Grand tetons, we felt a special connection with seven different flowers.
Wild Delphinium flower essence magnifies a deep uninhibited realization of how exquisite + magnetic you are, allowing you to be fully yourself. It dissolves a habitual desire to be alone, yet bestows the ability to set boundaries + take time to recharge. It dissolves messages of being not good enough and awakens your ability to be seen in all your forms—even fiercely sexy + elegant!
Learn about our library of more than 150 flower essences, wellness hacks & self-care practices, superfood recipes and wisdom teachings from around the world.