Mandevilla helps us feel secure in the love that we possess inside us, rather than needing something from the outside to feel complete and whole. This leads to peacefulness, contentment, and the liberation of creative energy. When we’re not holding on too tightly to something or someone, we have more energy at our disposal to appreciate the unfathomable rightness of how things actually are.
Grevillea gives us the courage to speak up and say directly things that we would usually hold back. It eradicates the habit of hesitation, and we find ourselves with the ability to deliver a clear message and shoot straight from the hip.
An edible wildflower collected in Iceland, Self Heal flower essence wakes up our will to survive and thrive. It awakens our awareness of what's happening in our body and stimulates our ability toheal ourselves. It enhancesself care, rest and nourishment.
Banana blossom gives us confidence in our ability to achieve our utmost priorities, simultaneously helping us feel more at ease, stable, peaceful and honest with ourselves and others about our progress. It frees our mind of the fears around time, so that time doesn’t rule us. Instead, we rule time.
Learn about our library of more than 150 flower essences, wellness hacks & self-care practices, superfood recipes and wisdom teachings from around the world.