January 28, 2019

Amazing experience teaching alongside Jai Sugrim at Jivamukti in NYC this week! Through body awareness, flower essences, yoga asanas, aromatherapy, supportive movements, partner work, mirroring + movement conversations we brought awareness to when + how masculine/feminine energies arise within us, the balance and giving + receiving + how divine masc/fem can seamlessly work together in our bodies and in our lives at work, at home + in relationships.

We practiced leading vs. following, giving vs. receiving, contraction vs. expansion and strength/stability vs. expression. We experienced the masculine stabilizing earth and feminine spacious sky energies, along with laser focused action vs. open + soft receiving and drive vs. magnetism.

Afterwards we hung out in the cafe talking about our practices, intimacy, relationships, how to teach to the needs of students vs. from an agenda & noticed which of the masc/fem expressions was more comfortable for each of us, and what happens when a third energy takes over.

Beautiful experience + insights all around. Grateful for Jai + Taylor + everyone who came ~ amazing group of people that brought me so much joy!

Love + flower petals,