September 25, 2024

Have you recently felt any of the following?
  • Mistrust, paranoia or being wary of reliance on your community
  • Sense of being in inhospitable conditions
  • Fear of things not being as they appear
  • Staying in your comfort zone
  • Holding back or playing small
  • Letting unexpected events overwhelm you or derail your focus
  • Inability to pivot quickly
  • Hanging on to the way things were/are vs. what they can evolve into
  • Hesitation, worry or fear
  • Being unaware or lazy


If you’re drawn to the Rain Lily flower, you may have subtle patterns of holding back or playing small. You may hesitate in a critical moment of self-expression or a place in your current life that holds a subtle layer of fear. If something unexpected (and perceived as negative) happens, it may overwhelm you or take you out of focus. You may not have the ability to pivot to something as quickly as you’d like to.

You may hang on to the way that things were or are vs. imagine a reality that you can evolve into and go for it. There may be areas of your life where you stay in the comfort zone and don’t stretch yourself outside of it.

You may have a fear that things are not what they seem (societally, politically, in relationships, etc.). You may have the sense that you’re in inhospitable conditions or have a sense of impending doom in an area of your life or your surroundings. At times, you may feel paranoid or distrusting, fearing that people are not what they seem to be, that you’re being lied to or that something is out of alignment. You may be wary of relying on your community out of lack of trust or inability to be vulnerable and true to yourself.



Activate: Timing
Message: Take advantage of the circumstances.

Wild Rain Lily (Zephyranthes drummondii) dissolves hesitation and allows us to possess a more precise timing. It amplifies our ability to take advantage of rare opportunities – skyrockets. Even Black Swans, or seemingly negative events, can be steered to benefit ourselves and others – if we grab the reins, and turn it into an opportunity to grow and expand beyond anything we’ve imagined.

Rain Lily helps us: ‘wake up!’ during an event or experience that would typically be jarring and stop us in our tracks. Rather than stop and hesitate, we can use the conditions to find a way to bloom when the conditions are right. The ability to bloom in harsh conditions or surroundings that are seemingly unsupportive demonstrates leadership and an otherworldly beauty.

Rain Lily dissolves being asleep at the wheel of our life. It cuts through our laziness or lack of awareness. We’re more awake and willing to engage and reach out to make connections. It becomes easier to go out of our comfort zones. We’re more willing to be the lone ranger or be different in the crowd to express our uniqueness.

It helps us say what we need to say, to share and to be called to task – we can take the task and run with it. Rather than be invisible or blend in with the crowd, we’re more willing to engage, step out and share of ourselves, because it's not just about us. It's about the whole world that needs the trajectory of what we’re up to.

Rain Lily helps us see into the depths of something that we haven't seen before, gaining a new insight, a fresh perspective or deeper understanding. It refines our understanding and experience of timing, opportunities, wonderment, awe and gratitude. It helps us see that Mother Nature is conspiring on our behalf, for us, and with us, that we’re supported to go deeper into our self development.

Rain Lily dissolves any sense of mistrust in ourselves or others around us. It dissolves paranoia, a sense of things not being what they appear or that we’re being lied to. It helps us trust in ourselves, in our loved ones and in our communities. We can deepen into our relationships with ourselves and the people around us, for a stronger bond and sense of collaboration and co-creation. It reveals hidden beauty & inspires us to flourish no matter what.



The wild Rain Lily in Texas is ephemeral. Their plants pop up and bloom a day or so after it rains. They open up in the evening, are in full bloom by morning, and only last 1-2 days before their pristine white blossoms tinge pink and wither. Almost invisible in their environment, but – once you see one of them, you see them everywhere.

Considered a fragrant, showy flower, they grow in the south-central United States during the summer months. Also known as the Hill Country Rain Lily, or the Evening Star Rain Lily, its white petals form the shape of a star.

In Essence

MAGNIFIES: Timing. Resourcefulness. Hidden beauty; Alertness & engagement; Fearless expression; Trust in ourselves and our community

DISSOLVES: Hesitation or holding back; Playing small or status quo; Being invisible; Mistrust


Love & flower petals,