August 11, 2017
Trumpet Vine has little tendrils that grab on to anything and climb up walls. Bees buzz in and out of the flowers, and hummingbirds zoom through space, poking their long slender beaks into the trumpets for nectar. The flowers open their mouths in song with voluptuous, caricature-like lips. Since I was a child who had a tendency to be shy and found it difficult to speak my mind, this flower often called my name.
If you’re attracted to the Trumpet Vine flower, you may be struggling to speak with ease. You may feel blocked in the throat or hesitant in your speech. Perhaps you need to have a difficult conversation that you’ve been avoiding, or you tend to avoid difficult conversations altogether.
Being drawn to Trumpet Vine usually indicates a general fear of speaking and public speaking. You may want to develop your singing voice and your vocal projection.
The Trumpet Vine flower dissolves blockages and self-limiting patterns regarding speech and communication. It cuts through fears of speaking up while magnifying our ability to speak freely about what’s inside us, even if it’s a difficult conversation.
Trumpet Vine also helps us develop and refine our singing voice. It enhances our comfort with being heard and being seen by other people, even by large audiences.
There are two kinds of Trumpet Vine, one that’s native to China (Campsis grandiflora) and one that’s native to the eastern United States (Campsis radicans). Also known as Trumpet Creeper, this vine grows vigorously and blossoms into large trumpet-shaped flowers in the brightest of reds, oranges, and yellows.
The Chinese variety has the largest flowers and is not quite as invasive as its American sister, which has been known to swallow entire buildings and trees if not guided through pruning. To avoid damaging houses or strangling trees, you should plant this variety away from them. Their green tendrils grab on to surfaces and quickly turn into a woody vine. After the flowers die, long seedpods emerge and fall off the vine. When you prune the plant, gloves are recommended, as it can be irritating to the skin.
"Trumpet Vine did what it promised for me: it allowed me to feel secure and strong within communication (writing as well as speaking)." —Celeste
"In important situations I have always found myself frozen, unable to speak. It has been frustrating and disempowering. I noticed since I am using Trumpet Vine, the words flow. I don't worry about this anymore. I feel less anxious and am more focused and strong in my intentions. Such a relief!" —Dana DelGuerra
"The Trumpet Vine Elixir has been calling out to me and I'm so glad I tried it. It works subtly, but I am very much aware how I have been speaking up more for myself where previously I would have just been too shy or afraid to share. I am working on speaking up my truth from my heart easily and effortlessly, speaking about doing what I love with others. I don't go a day without using it!" —AJ
"I normally make myself sick with the anticipation and anxious feeling of speaking in front of a large group. I just started Trumpet Vine a couple days before flying to France for a workshop where I had to present to 30 people. I can honestly say I felt a sense of calm and confidence that are normally overshadowed by my jitters. I attribute this to flower power ;) Now that I’m home and my jet lag is gone, I am looking forward to noticing more positive manifestations, especially socially, as I tend to be introverted." —Erin
"Trumpet Vine Elixir is my first LOTUSWEI product, and although I have only been using it for 10 days, I have been pleasantly and positively surprised. I LOVE the taste but what is most efficient is the mantra/wish I tell myself each time I drink the elixir. Repeating my mantra at least five times a day helps remind me what I want activated in my life by taking the Trumpet Vine Elixir. This is a very easy and tasty system to help me feel being seen and heard." —MP
Magnifies: Ability to speak freely about what's inside you; effortless communication even during difficult conversations; enhanced singing voice
Dissolves: Fear of speaking and being heard; communication issues; avoidance of saying what needs to be said
Infused with a bouquet of the most powerful flowers for speaking your truth,this powerhouse blend helps us be more confident to ask for exactly what we want, without fears, hesitations or insecurities about whether or not you "deserve" it. It allows us to be driven by our conviction & wish to benefit others and go after the things we've been "just thinking" about going after. It strengthens our ways of expression that enhances engagement with others and gives us courage to speak freely about what's inside of us.⠀
Love + flower petals,