Crazy, behind-the-scenes highlights from our time in Charleston, SC as part of our Ripple the Void Flowerlounge Tour.
On one of our final days in Austin, we went to the riverside at 7am to watch the sunrise & do a flower offering with a very special group of people. After sharing a practice that is very dear to the entire Flowerlounge team, we made wishes & threw flower love bombs into the water.
Desert Lupine floods the Sonoran desert landscape with washes of indigo blue in springtime. Its flower essence dissolves panic and being frozen with fear; it catalyzes movement, engagement and strength, even in adverse environments. It dissolves heartache and magnifies elegance, peacefulness and fearless expression.
A popular house plant, the Spider Plant is known for purifying indoor air pollution. ‘Spiderettes’ or ‘pups’ emerge from the plant and grow downward toward the earth. Its delicate, star-like white flower blooms for several hours; its essence magnifies our ability to cast off what no longer serves us. We can flip inside out, shed our old skin and establish our footing in a fresh, new version of ourselves.