September 01, 2019

One of the things I loved most about being in Asia was the willingness for others to engage in transformative rituals. Cultures in Singapore (Chinese, Indian, Malay & Nyonya) are steeped in ceremonies + rituals; it’s nothing new or strange to participate wholeheartedly in simple rituals with profound results. An ordinary mundane action becomes sublime with pure motivation & a sincere wish for awakening.

I’m so grateful to everyone who was open to join us + experience our flower & botanical treatment offerings while we were in Singapore. Taylor and I were enamored by all the different types of women that came to visit us ~ like these two precious women: Red + Eveline.

Keep reading to see what they have to say about their first experience of a Botanical Treatment!

"This was the most epic treatment I've ever had! Ceremoniously beaten with sticks, rustled in leaves, sprayed with more intoxicating flower essences then imaginable, saged, rained on, palo santo’d, rubbed with flowers, showered in flowers, hands + feet anointed with oils. I was the seed, the palm, the flower, the leaf, connecting to the cycle of life, to nature - within + out. I literally got up from the table rebirthed and anew! Katie and Taylor of LOTUSWEI have their magic down to a fine art and work together with such beautiful synchronicity. If you need some self loving and are looking for something extraordinary, then jump in quick!"

Mother, Midwife, Biodynamic Craniosacral Practitioner + Author

"I feel so blessed to have met Katie + Taylor and experience the Botanical Treatment with them while they were in Singapore. I felt so held, seen + heard. But truth be told, it was uncomfortable - in a good way! Like the uncomfortable feeling that you get when experiencing a new good experience, but it's uncomfortable because it's foreign.

I had to go to back to work after the treatment. When I got back to the office, I found my mini bottle of TruthTeller spray and started using it all through the afternoon. My throat tightness (which I had been experiencing for several weeks) became worse and at one point I thought I was falling sick (again!). I left the office a bit early and went to bed. I guess that was probably some mini healing crisis happening.

What's amazing is what happened the next day …

I had back to back meetings, which in itself is very rare. I usually don't have to meet my clients or anyone (other than my colleagues) and correspond only through emails. Even more out of the ordinary is that the two meetings that I had were with two groups of people that I would in the past have felt inferior of. First, I had a lunch appointment with the Dean of Faculty of Science from the University I went to years ago. He was in Singapore for a few days to meet some senior alumni. The second appointment was my first meeting with a group of fellow patent attorneys who have been chosen to be part of the Examining Body that tests professionals on whether they could qualify to be patent attorneys in Singapore. All this to say: I was surrounded by people with whom I’ve typically been freaked out of for fear of speaking the wrong thing or exposed for being an imposter - imposter syndrome ... 

Anyway, instead of getting tongue tied, I spoke my thoughts in both appointments! I didn't feel silly or like I didn’t belong. I felt my opinion mattered and I felt heard!! I even pointed out some possible misunderstanding and didn't feel like what I said was hurtful. It felt so neutral, and hence, was well received!! 

Have I experienced shifts in my life from the Botanical Treatment? YES."


If you're intrigued and want to know more about the LOTUSWEI Botanical Treatments, you can learn more + book a treatment at the SAN Center here!

Love + flower petal showers,