August 11, 2018

My precious dog Joy is over 16 years old now. Her back legs sag in a funny way.

Sometimes she goes 2-3 days without eating. When she does, she ends up sitting down - too weak to stand for the whole meal.

Occasionally, in the middle of the night, her breathing becomes ragged. I wake up with a start when I hear it, acutely aware that one day soon, she will go. Hey, she’s old. And we all go one day.

Right now I enjoy feeding her + trying to figure out how to make her more comfortable with massage, herbs + supplements. Because I know that there will come a time when there’s nothing I can DO. All I’ll be able to do is BE with her.

This morning I left my house for the office. Usually she is asleep, but not today.

Today she came into the living room and looked at me with big soulful eyes as I went out the front door. I stopped and took her in - furry little brown body and white muzzle - knowing I wouldn’t be home until late tonight.

I closed the door behind me, trusting that she would still be here when I got back. But there’s no guarantee of that.Life is so full of impermanence and change.

It’s a funny place to be in, this simultaneous desire for life to go on as usual, while also knowing that someday Joy - and all my other loved ones - will not be here. It makes me so motivated to be truly present with people, because we just don’t know how long they’ll be around.

Here’s a weird thought. Look around you. ALL of the people around you will die.

All of them. Crazy, right?

On a more subtle level, parts of us are dying all the time. Relationships are dying. Group dynamics are dying. The way life has always been is dying and morphing into something else - because things are constantly changing and evolving.

In a more tangible way, I look around me and I see:

  • Parents becoming empty nesters as their children move out
  • Loved ones who are dying or terminally sick
  • Children leaving childhood and turning into teenagers
  • Long-term relationships ending; new relationships beginning
  • Women starting their second career or going through menopause
  • Friends leaving a city and lifestyle behind for a whole new daily existence

Things are constantly changing - every day - and they will never be the same.

Take that in, babe. It’s real. If it makes you feel soft inside, that’s a good thing.

The willingness to look impermanence directly in the face makes us more able to embrace life with a fierce love + appreciation.

Even as we embrace bigger and better opportunities, we must let go of the way things were.

Joy and Katie Hess LOTUSWEI flower essences

A simple example: as the possibility of expanding LOTUSWEI into a building eight times our current size becomes more of a reality, I’ll say goodbye to the simplicity of our colorful houses in the historic neighborhood where we’ve been the last ten years.

In three weeks, we'll be asked to put down a massive down payment - in exchange for the keys to an even more rapid expansion, both external and internal.

These days I am stretching on the inside + upleveling at an accelerated rate. I am pushing myself to wake up, wake up, wake up. And I am also pushing my team.

In order to expand we MUST let go of the past. We must dive into the present moment like it’s the best piece of flour-less, maple syrup chocolate mousse cake we’ve ever had - like there’s nothing left on the planet.

On August 15th, I’m offering a teaching on this reality of constant change.

I LOVE doing these teachings - sharing with you practices, insight + flower magic that I know work. AND we're officially releasing a our newest flower essence formula: Boundless Wisdom.

I originally made this bouquet of flowers with death in mind - literally - for hospice and losing loved ones.It was designed to help us move through the transition of leaving, or of being left behind.

Now as I’m finally ready to share it with the world in a bigger way, I realize that it’s for ALL the kinds the dying - including the constant change + small deaths of letting go of things during our daily life.

It can be scary to let go. It feels like we’re letting go of pieces of ourselves. And in some ways we are.

We let go of old pieces to be able to expand into bigger versions of ourselves.

But it’s damn hard to put that soft, fuzzy flannel shirt with holes into the second hand store box or cut it into rags, because it’s comfortable and we have memories associated with it.

This new teaching + flower essence formula is designed to help us dive off the cliffinto the unknown with a greater capacity to embrace what’s coming. For when we have absolutely no idea what’s next AND when we’re afraid of letting go of the way it was.

Whew! Yeah.

So, here’s what we’ll cover in the teaching:

  • How to soften and lean into change + impermanence, even when you’re afraid
  • Three gorgeous flowers + a tree to awaken your powerful inner wisdom
  • How flower essences can help us recover from old traumas + post traumatic stress
  • Using death awareness practices as a way to live life more fully
  • How to let go of attachments with more courage
  • Using + embracing discomfort as a divine key to our awakening
  • A simple awareness anchor to help you instantly experience more spaciousness

Want the full download? Inspire your awakening with the Boundless Wisdom Flower Elixir and introductory Aura Mist + get access to the teaching included! Click here to purchase + register.

Love + flower petals,


P.S. In what ways are you ready to let go of the past and dive into the present? Let me know in the comments.

P.P.S. As always, if you cannot make it to the live teaching, it'll be recorded and sent out to everyone who registers!

 Katie Hess Signature LOTUSWEI flower essences