December 06, 2012

I’m so thrilled that Oprah’s Creative Director, Adam Glassman, is a huge fan of our products. The Creative Director of Oprah Magazine for twelve years now, he is the one who pioneered the idea of putting images of real women in the magazine. I like this guy already.

Then our Inner Peace Mist had a mini appearance on Oprah’s Favorite Things TV show, in an endearing scene where Adam and Oprah are on Skype deciding what to chose for the Favorite Things. When Adam gets stressed, he reaches for the Inner Peace Mist on his desk. He also misted down his whole team before the call.

It’s wonderful to see Adam being in a position of influence to benefit so many people–so cool to watch him visit farmer’s markets, choose excellent products and support businesses, for example a brother-sister pair of entrepreneurs making flavored popcorns. To know that there are people out there working as you do, motivated by doing good … is heart-warming.

When we produce the flower essences, I talk about visualizing that when you’re holding a bottle, you’re holding someone’s heart … because ultimately this sense of sacredness and preciousness will catalyze transformation for the person receiving the flower essences. That’s also why I loved watching someone use flower essences on TV–it’s such an influential medium.

I did a phone interview the other day with Jini Patel Thompsen and we were talking about what it takes to create a huge positive impact in the world. My flower essence teacher used to say that if 3% of the world’s population was taking flower essences, that it would create a huge positive outcome for our future.

Jini said, “If you’re coming from the place where you believe you need majority, that’s really discouraging, and you get really down … thinking to yourself, I’ll never get there. But to understand that you don’t need majority, you only need critical mass: that can be 3% or 12% depending on if you’re looking at market trends or philosophies, that becomes really encouraging and feels really doable.”

I find that exciting to think about: what you do makes such a huge difference, bigger than you know …

 Love + flower petals,

katie hess